
The “Emily in Paris” effect: How the Netflix hit made everyone want to be a marketer

The “Emily in Paris” effect: How the Netflix hit made everyone want to be a marketer

Move over, “Friends” and “Gossip Girl”—there’s a new cultural icon in town, and it’s wearing bright colors and a beret. Since its debut on Netflix in October 2020, “Emily in Paris” has become more than just a go-to for fashion inspiration and daydreams about Parisian life. It turns out, it’s also responsible for making marketing look downright glamorous.

Searches for “marketing degree” in the U.S. have skyrocketed

According to marketing experts at Skyline Social, searches for “marketing degree” in the U.S. have skyrocketed by 88.6% since the show first hit our screens. Worldwide, the searches for ‘marketing degree’ have also increased by 75.4% between October 2020 and August 2024. That means people from all corners of the globe are suddenly thinking, “Hey, maybe I should get into marketing. If Emily can do it while looking fabulous and sipping espresso in Paris, why not me?”

And it doesn’t stop there. Google Trends shows that U.S. searches for “marketing job” have jumped by 49%, while “marketing career” searches are up a whopping 82.1%. It seems the world has caught the marketing bug, and it’s spreading faster than Emily can post on Instagram.

Marketing and advertising: a hot career choice in 2024?

Ash Davis from Skyline Social had this to say about the surprising trend: “Since its release in 2020, Netflix’s Emily in Paris has become a global phenomenon, with research showing that the romantic comedy-drama television series was the most-watched show on the streaming platform in 2022.  However, viewers are hungry for more than Lily Collins’ iconic fashion looks. According to this study, online interest in marketing degrees, jobs, and careers has skyrocketed since October 2020. These findings suggest that people are eager to break into the marketing field in 2024, and it will be interesting to see how season four continues to inspire the world of up-and-coming marketers.”

So, what does this all mean? Well, if you’ve been feeling a sudden urge to trade in your current job for one involving social media campaigns and brand strategies, you’re not alone. It seems “Emily in Paris” has made marketing look so chic and exciting that we’re all ready to pack our bags, move to Paris, and start pitching to clients over croissants.

Whether you’re serious about following in Emily’s footsteps or just having fun with the idea, one thing’s for sure: marketing has never looked more stylish—or more tempting. So, here’s to season four of “Emily in Paris” and all the future marketers it might inspire.


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