
TikTok: a growing source of news, especially for young adults

TikTok: a growing source of news, especially for young adults

Social media platforms are an important part of the American news diet: half of U.S. adults say they get news at least sometimes from social media in general, according to a new Pew Research Center survey of Americans’ news habits. News consumption is more common on some sites than others. The survey suggests that TikTok is becoming a more prominent source of news for Americans, particularly young adults. The report, released on Wednesday, explores how major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and the newly renamed X (formerly Twitter) contribute to the American news diet.


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Pew Research Center survey


The survey reveals that while X remains the most popular social media platform for news (50% of users report regularly getting news there), TikTok is not far behind (35% say they don’t see the news they get on TikTok anywhere else). This is significant because, unlike other platforms, most TikTok users don’t primarily use it for news. only 15 percent say keeping up with the news is a major reason they use the app.


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Pew Research Center survey


The report highlights a key difference between TikTok and other platforms: news sources. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, where friends and family are the primary source, news on TikTok comes from a wider range, including influencers, celebrities, and even strangers. Journalists and news outlets are the least common source.


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Pew Research Center survey


The rise of TikTok as a news source coincides with growing concerns about the accuracy of information on the platform. The survey found that a significant portion of users on all platforms, including TikTok, encounter news perceived as inaccurate.

In April, President Joe Biden signed a bill that would ban TikTok unless its China-based parent company divests from the app within a year. Some supporters of the so-called TikTok ban say the issue lies in TikTok’s powerful algorithm and the role the Chinese government could play in shaping what information, including news, 170 million American users see.

Overall, the Pew Research Center survey paints a picture of a changing news landscape. Social media continues to be a significant source of news for Americans, with TikTok emerging as a new player, especially for younger generations. However, concerns about the accuracy and potential bias of information on these platforms remain a challenge.


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